Something New, Something Green – Eco-Friendly Wedding Ideas

green weddings, green centerpieces, inspiration boards

By now it is apparent to most of the human race that anything-eco-friendly  has become a major part of the fabric of the American way, including weddings. The trend has increased and more and more couples taking steps to incorporate eco-friendly ideas into their ceremonies and receptions.

Going with an eco-inspired wedding can mean bringing the outside in. Choosing  to using things like branches, greenery, grasswheat, stones, seashells or leaves as wedding décor is the way to go.

 These options are economical and simple not to mention biodegradable! When using this type of decor, as a couple you are making a statement to your guests that will for sure stay in their memory as part of your wedding.

green weddings, eco-friendly wedding ideas, green theme inspiration, wedding ideas

post from Does the Dress Fit on 01 January 2009 10:23:00 PM. © Does the Dress Fit

 Wheatgrass Anyone?


New Year, New Venues

It’s always exciting when a new year starts. It seems that optimism is in the air, people are excited and ready to go on new ventures in their lives.

I’ve spend the last few weeks looking at venues and finding locations off the beaten path for my clients. I am always excited when I find places that are not your traditional wedding hall that are the perfect match for my clients. Today was one of those fabulous days.

I went with a client to Marvimon ( which is a fabulous location near downtown. Originally built by an Italian race car driver as one of LA’s first automobile showrooms is now an amazing loft, that has a Chicgo-style feel to it with exposed beams, red brick walls, show-off kitchen and a garage-like door that swings open to a oh-so-awesome court yard that is just the perfect size for a ceremony.

Under the same ownership is The SmogShoppe ( which is yet another fabulous place that was once a smog-check center that is now 100% solar-powered indoor/outdoor venue surrounded by desert plants, vintage furniture and amazing little areas with decor, book collections, paintings and more.

As an event planner, I always hope that my client will walk into a space I show them and be in love.  When my client walked in, her face lit up and I knew she found the perfect place for their wedding.

If you are looking for a space for a big elaborate wedding, this is not the place for you. This is an intimate space for 100 guests or so. It is a perfect space for couples who are looking for an intimate wedding in a unique space that down plays all the glits and glamour of most posh hotels and venues.

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